Hydra Pipe inngår samarbeid med NOS Service i Sandnes.
Vi fortsetter veksten og har gleden av å annonsere at vi har inngått en samarbeidsavtale med NOS Service i Sandnes. NOS Service vil fokusere på Rogalands-området, og dermed styrke tilstedeværelsen vår i et viktig område.
Denne tilstedeværelsen vil sørge for at Hydra Pipe sine innovative og miljøvennlige løsninger vil være enda mer tilgjengelig i Rogalands-området.
Vi gleder oss til et langt og fruktbart samarbeid.
Pressemelding fra NOS Service:
Hydra Pipe enter a partnership deal with NOS Service in Sandnes.
NOS Service will focus on the Rogaland marked. Common goal is to have a full range of all Hydra Pipe Hydraulic products and focusing on cold weld free technology on shelf at NOS Service warehouse.
Our main goal for this partnership is to create a winning team. Celebrating this deal was very natural to do watching Stavanger Oilers winning again and securing the clubs 5th Championship gold.
NOS Service are very pleased to enter this agreement and are looking forward to a lo
ng and fruitful cooperation with Hydra Pipe.
NOS Service`s goal is to continue existing growth by adding up services that are connected to our existing business or as a natural expansion.
NOS Service will shortly also announce our new Sales Manager that will be responsible for the Hydra Pipe catalogue and all other existing and new trading/supply activity.